Softaid存 UEM 80186/188 and UEM 386EX emulators provide complete and non-intrusive software development for 8- and 16-bit development projects.
The UEM-80186 has no compromises. Wait states are never inserted. Full speed emulation is always supported. With the UEM存 exclusive background Mode your interrupt service routines can even continue to run when the code is stopped at a breakpoint.
The UEM comes with both a Windows and a DOS Source Level Debugger. Both support all compilers and assemblers. Point and click to set breakpoints on C source lines. Display Trace data in the original source. Set complex breakpoints graphically. Variables appear as defined: integers are shown as decimal, pointers reference memory correctly, and variables maintain scope attributes. You can even use DDE links and our debugger存 API to create your own Basic and C applications to automate routine testing.
The UEM存 131,072 hardware breakpoints let you debug code in ROM or RAM. The Even system breakpoints on combinations of addresses, data values, cycle types, and a 16-bit pass counter. For more breakpoint power use the UEM存 IF-THEN conditions to nest breakpoints up to 5 levels deep, all in real-time. You can even single step in interrupt service routines. Use any breakpoint resource to trigger trace collection; you can start and stop trace collection, and display the results, without stopping or slowing you application code.
The built-in performance analyzer tracks execution time of up to 255 functions simultaneously, in real-time.
Product Ordering Information: UEM-80186 (EA, EB, EC, XL, EM); UEM-80386EX
Options Available: 1Mb Emulation RAM, Parallel Download Option, PLCC to LCC Adapter, and 20/25 MHz upgrade.